Sunday 24 May 2009

My favorite piece of tecnology

My favorite piece of tecnology is my External Hardrive it is also known by the name of External Hard Disc it has 320 gigabites of capacity, for this reason I like it very much.
It makes my student life easy because I can save all my things in it, my study files, my personal pictures and videos and still it has free space.

another positive aspect of my favorite piece of tecnology is the fact that it is absolutely pocketable I can put in my pocket with no problem, this feature makes the diference because most of external hard drives are big and uncomfortable to carry.

I use it almost every day because I need to see my anatomic class videos which one of my classmates has recorded, if I wouldn't have my external hard drive, it would be imposible to carry these videos with me because they are too heavy.

How do I use it?
it's so simple I use it just like a flash memory "pendrive" it doesn't need energy adapter, I just plug it using USB port. and computers recognize it inmediately like a pendrive.

Because of its capacity I carry all my home computer in it. It's amazing, isn't it?

I love it.

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