Thursday 18 June 2009

My Wedding

This picture is my favorite one, beacuse I am in my wedding obviusly!!
I remember that in that moment I made the most important decision of my life!!!!

In that time I was 19 years old and I was very sure of my decision.. everybody ask me why?
why are you going to get married? are you pregnant?? and I told them no,
I am not pregnant!!!!!
I want to do the rigth thing!! I disagree with just living together, I think that the marriaged is a compromise in all sense and for the whole life, you can not test someone and if you dont like just leave her or him away.

In this Picture my Husband is put in the wedding ring to me, the signal of our covenant.
this picture was taken by a photographer in religious marriage.

For us religious marriage is the most important, the Pastor our church gave us the blessing.

now we took four years of happy marriage.

and I think that there is nothing better than a happy marriage!!! but we were not alone,
we did all this with God.

I like remember this moment.

thanks God for everything!!!!!